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other states sue over immigration order


Many top Republicans have denounced Obama’s unilateral move, which was designed to spare as many as 5 million people living illegally in the United States from deportation.

But Texas Gov. elect Greg Abbott took it a step further, filing a formal legal challenge in federal court in the Southern District of Texas. His state is joined by 16 other mostly conservative states, largely in the south and Midwest, such as Alabama, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana and the Carolinas.

The states aren’t seeking monetary damages, but instead want the courts to block Obama’s actions. Constitution and his unilateral expansion of power must be challenged,
Abercrombie Pas Cher," North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory said in a statement. "In North Carolina, the 10th most populous state, the president’s actions are likely to put even more financial strain on our state’s government services. It’s disappointing that the president has shown little regard for states which must shoulder the costs of his actions."

The lawsuit could make things awkward come Friday,
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Under Obama’s order, announced Nov. for at least five years and to hundreds of thousands more young people. Constitution that Abbott said limits the scope of presidential power; that the federal government didn’t follow proper rule making procedures; and that the order will "exacerbate the humanitarian crisis along the southern border, which will affect increased state investment in law enforcement, health care and education."

Abbott said Obama’s actions "directly violate a fundamental promise to the American people" and that it was up to the president to "execute the law, not de facto make law."

Republican presidents, including Ronald Reagan, have issued past executive orders pertaining to immigration. Abbott said those were in response to actions by Congress unlike Obama, who Abbott said acted in lieu of congressional approval.

Overwhelmingly elected governor last month, Abbott has been Texas attorney general since 2002. Wednesday marks the 31st time he has sued the federal government since Obama took office.

Many of those were over environmental regulations or the White House’s signature health care law,
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El Pueblo, a North Carolina advocacy group for Latinos, criticized McCrory’s decision to join in the lawsuit.

"Gov. McCrory continues to send a clear message that immigrants are unwelcome in North Carolina,
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Earlier this week, House Majority Leader John Boehner told lawmakers the GOP led House may vote to undo Obama’s executive action, but the move would be mostly symbolic, as Obama would certainly veto such legislation and the Democratic led Senate wouldn’t go for it, either.

Potential 2016 presidential candidate and current Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who leaves office in January, also spoke out against the executive order earlier Wednesday,
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"In effect, his action placed a neon sign on our border, assuring people that they could ignore the law of the United States,
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Abbott said his state can already predict the future effects of Obama’s executive action based on the 2012 order. a zygote is as much a baby as an acorn is an oak tree.

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