Mission: To provide health care, promote wellness, and connect the talents and resources of the community with people in need in the name of Jesus Christ. CrossOver is here to serve and empower patients by providing a comprehensive approach to health care for the body, mind, and spirit!
Who They Help: CrossOver Healthcare Ministry provides quality and compassionate health care to the uninsured in the greater Richmond Metropolitan area.
108 Cowardin Avenue,
Richmond, VA 23224
Phone: (804) 233-5016
Western Henrico:
8600 Quioccasin Road, Suite 105,
Richmond, VA 23229
Phone: (804) 622-0803
What: CrossOver offers a full continuum of health care services to the uninsured that includes: family medicine, primary care, obstetrics and pediatrics, podiatry, dental and vision care, mental health care, HIV diagnosis and treatment, and critical medications. CrossOver operates 2 free clinics located in areas of identified need in Richmond, serving more than 6,800 individuals annually.