michael kors canada Fall has arrived without a lot of trumpets blaring. I suppose the lack of fanfare is because Summer has been a bit stubborn about getting out of the way which is fine by me.

Neighborhood Mystery KELOLAND

Well, some interesting things since we last visited.

Peterson obviously has no rules of discipline for himself, though, making regular withdrawals from his unprotected sperm bank all over the country resulting in at least seven kids from five different moms. Now, he’s getting his full pay while sidelined until the whole child abuse case is settled. Oy Vey.

Which reminds me; Happy New Year ( Rosh Hashanah) to my Jewish friends. I have two.

Fall has arrived without a lot of trumpets blaring,
michael kors canada. I suppose the lack of fanfare is because Summer has been a bit stubborn about getting out of the way which is fine by me.

I do find it puzzling that so many people I know proudly proclaim Autumn to be their favorite season when it means so many fun outdoorsy things of our short Summer; swimming,
http://www.173rd-praha.eu/, boating, baseball, picnics, patio parties, golf and gardening are all over. Oh, sure. The Autumn leaves (especially the sumac bushes) turn pretty colors, the air is crisp and cool, apple and pumpkin picking with the kids is nice so are homecoming parades and football games. Plus, it won’t be long before great armies of guys and gals outfitted in orange and armed with shotguns will partake in their annual passion for Pheasant hunting. Thousands will gather on opening day at the edge of fields, shelterbelts and sloughsthen at the stroke of twelve noon, with excited dogs sniffing the air, unleashed and leading the way,
cheap dvd, will all pile out of their pickups and march forward hoping to blast the beaks off as many of our pretty state birds as the limits will allow. I hear pheasant numbers are up this year. Hope so.

I see the value of houses in our Ronning Estates neighborhood (an older Sioux Falls subdivision) has about maxed out meaning our ride on the real estate inflation train has pulled into the station. Linda and I have seen it coming for years, of course. And it’s those exceptions that have us checking the Real Estate ads for the first time ever. The other night around 10:45, I was in my lair watching TV when the doorbell rang followed by a loud knock on the door. I’d like to say I raced to investigate but,
michael kors outlet uk, like the true chicken I am, waited for Linda to join me in the hall before getting up on my tip toes to peek out the small door window to see what creature might be lurking on the other side who would dare interrupt our slumber so late at night. But there was no one. Whoever it was had disappeared into the darkness. A mystery that will likely remain unsolved.

Oh, wait. What’s this? A note left by the door with a simple instruction.

I blacked out the phallic symbol. (It turns out several of our neighbors got similar and late night knock and runs too.)

Then something else happened that is nearly as mysterious as the note. Three different windy days have caused huge branches to come crashing down from our front yard Maple tree which was severely damaged in the April ice storm and, despite a trimming, continues to give up limbs every time a brisk breeze blows. One I managed to drag to the driveway intending to chop into garbage acceptable size pieces. The other two lay in the yard awaiting my indecision on disposal. But before that could happen they VANISHED.

This was a mish mash of topics which is one reason I always looking for new posts from you. Will stick up for those of us who love fall it has to do with the temperature. When it 98 in the shade (or over 80) lots of us retreat to our homes, sit by the AC and don do any of the things on your list of summer activities. Now, however,
http://www.axis-froid.fr/, we come out and watch our grandkids play soccer, decorate for Halloween or just sit on the deck which was too hot to enjoy all summer. It one of those different strokes for different folks thingies that keeps this world so interesting.