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October featured constellation

It’s a new month, which means a new featured constellation. With the arrival of October and the first full month of a new season, it’s time to profile one of the herald constellations that announces the arrival of a new season.

For October and fall,
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In terms of brightness, for fall, Cassiopeia is one of the brightest things you’ll see, its main body stars being in the second magnitude range. To find the constellation, look low in the Northeast sky for the easily discernible ‘W’ pattern of stars standing vertically. As the night goes on, Cassiopeia will rise higher in the sky and become more Northerly, being a constellation that, at Cleveland like mid Northern latitudes, lies just out of the circumpolar range. For a second way to find Cassiopeia, find the big Dipper and the stars that make up the end of its bowl. Follow the line formed by these stars through Polaris, the North Star, and on about 15 degrees to Cassiopeia.

For people who are not content to just use their eyes, Cassiopeia offers some deep sky, telescopic treasures as well.

The two jewels of Cassiopeia are two open clusters, both relatively easy to find. M103 is a rather tight cluster located just below the main ‘W’ shape. Low power in a telescope will reveal a very pleasing grouping of stars somewhat resembling the Wild Duck cluster, just looser. M52, reached by extending the tall end of the ‘W’ about 5 degrees up, is a larger, slightly more diffuse cluster, but is still a wonderful sight at low power in telescopes.

For double star observers, Cassiopeia features what many would consider one of the sky’s best binaries: Eta Cassiopeia. Located on the top half of the ‘W,’ Eta is a great double in three ways: a large magnitude difference (3 vs 7), A relatively tight split (13 arc seconds), and a dramatic color difference (yellow and red orange), however,, to some observers, the small companion appears almost purple when set against the yellow main.

While not in Cassiopeia proper, there are two spectacular deep sky objects in the neighborhood: the Double Cluster just below Cassiopeia and the Little Dumbbell (M76) to the right.

The good news is that, even with Cleveland’s notoriously cloudy falls and winters, Cassiopeia is a near circumpolar constellation, which means that it will be hanging around in the sky for a long, right after Sweetest day in October. Manufacturing is producing seven days a week and on a double shift Monday to Friday."Chocolate manufacturers are just one industry that gets a boost in business this time of year.The Distilled Spirits Council of the United States estimates that about 40 percent of the industry’s $66 billion in retail sales occur in the last three months of the year, long time, provided you have a good Northern horizon.

Now for weather. As always, be sure to keep an eye on the Cleveland weather forecast and,,. for an even more up to date, hour by hour forecast,
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