and thanks for the info about the other hotels. We’ll look into them.

Do you have any recommendations for cheap house rentals or cheap hostals there? Our budget allows for about $20 US a night, for 7 days.On our way back,
Sons of Anarchy Seasons 1-7 DVD Box Set, we’d like to stay in Antigua for one or two nights and also would like a recommendation for a cheap posada there. They come to pick you up at the airport with a signI came once at 1100 and I was late but they were there.In San Marcos,
Once Upon A Time Seasons 1-4 DVD Box Set, the best price for a room would be maybe to negotiate a week rate with an hotel.I don’t know houses that cheap.Looks like we can get a house for $200 for the week in San Marcos,
Once Upon A Time Season 4 DVD Box Set, that pleases us fine,
Top Gear Seasons 1-20 DVD Box Set, and thanks for the info about the other hotels. We’ll look into them.