Fers TaylorMade Tour Preferred MC Recently theSacramentoMunicipalUtility District attempted to motivate customers by simply charting their progress against twenty neighbors with similar usage history. If you did good you got a smiley face and if you did poorly you got a frowney face. Folks who got the report cut usage by 2% more than those who didn’t and folks who got a frowney face complained.

Recently theSacramentoMunicipalUtility District attempted to motivate customers by simply charting their progress against twenty neighbors with similar usage history,
Fers TaylorMade Tour Preferred MC. If you did good you got a smiley face and if you did poorly you got a frowney face,
Minidriver TaylorMade AeroBurner. Folks who got the report cut usage by 2% more than those who didn’t and folks who got a frowney face complained,
Fers Callaway X2 Hot.